Senin, 21 November 2011

Sipiso piso Waterfall , the tallest waterfall in indonesia

When someone visiting North Sumatra, they used to thinking to visit Lake Toba. But Lake Toba is not the only attracting place that located in North Sumatera, Sipiso piso waterfall is another place that you shoul d visit when you arrange your holiday trip to Lake Toba. Sipiso-piso waterfall was located on the shores of Lake Toba, unfortunately this Sipiso piso waterfall is a very interesting tourist attraction but less visited by tourists because of its location on the edge and located not in  Parapat city, where tourists usually visit.
Sipiso-piso is located in the north of Lake Toba, about 24 kilometers from Kabanjahe. This waterfall is the highest waterfall in Indonesia with a height of 120 meters. Sipiso-piso waterfall made from an underground river in the Karo plateau that runs through a cave on the side of the crater of Lake Toba.When I had occasion to visit this place, the scenery was incredible. A small waterfall, but high fall in between the cliffs greenish. From the viewing post built by the government,  visitors not only enjoy the scenic waterfall, but also they can enjoy the beautifull sight seeing of Lake Toba.
Sipiso-piso waterfall is about 800 meters above sea level. Waterfall flowing down the cutting of green hills covered with pine trees. Sipiso-piso itself literally means "blade".Not only can you see the waterfall from a distance, but you can enjoy it in close distance. The stairs are steep and far enough away so make sure you have strong stamina and bring drinking water supplies. Trip to go down may not be a problem, but hundreds of stairs to climb back after playing of course is quite tiring.Viewing post itself is quite huge, and frequently visited by local tourists. Unfortunately substation infrastructure in this view is inadequate. There are only basic facilities such as toilets and food stalls, which I think the number of the toilet that available so less and inadequate hygiene. Visitors who want to explore this area further more should stay in a nearby village, which is Tongging.

Tongging located on the shores of Lake Toba, in the north. In Tongging you can perform various activities, such as swimming in the lake, do trekking in the jungle, or visit a small waterfall called Sidompak. You can go up to Mount Sipiso-piso, and did paragliding from the top.

Besides swimming, you can also ride a boat hired from local fishermen to get around the lake. Cycling from one village to another is also a fun activity to do in  Karo residents. For you who fans of ethnic fabrics, you can go to the Village Silalahi in Sabungan, Dairi. The village is located about 11 km from Tongging.Tongging Villagers are mostly fishermen and farmers. They farmed rice and onions as well as fishing in the lake Toba. Arsik fish and the red fish is a common species of fish reared in Lake Toba. You should try the traditional dish of fish with seasoningSome options include accommodation in Tongging Sibayak Pensions, Pensions parultop, and Roman Sinasi Bungalows, all of which exist in the Road Silalahi, Tongging. Travelling here is perfect place for the backpacker on a budget because it was cheap accommodation.Go to Sipiso-pisoWhen I visited Sipiso-piso, I was traveling around North Sumatra early in Medan, through Kabanjahe, to Sipiso-piso, Siantar, Parapat, Tuk-Tuk, and ended up in Bukit Lawang.Due to the limited budget, I chose to use public transport through Pematang Siantar. From Berastagi I use public buses that go to Kabanjahe-Tanah Karo district capital, at a rate of less than five thousand dollars.In Kabanjahe, I used the rural transportation across Merek. From the main road junction, I chose the motor rickshaw to reach gardu panjang. Fromgardu panjang you still have to travel by public transport or rickshaw to Tongging, with declining street.For those of you who use a personal vehicle, a trip to Sipiso-piso easier. From Berastagi, you will only take about 2 hours. Landscapes and countryside in Tanah Karo is very interesting, unfortunately the road is not good. So, be careful.

Source : Olenka Priyadarsani

Rabu, 09 November 2011

Bulukumba shipyard launches another impressive Phinisi Schooner

Tuesday evening, 8th November, a special ceremony marking the launch of the largest Phinisi schooner was held at Bulukumba, South Sulawesi.
“This is an important moment “, explained Nazaruddin, Head of the Culture and Tourism Office of Bulukumba ,”since this is the largest  phinisi ever built here in the history of Bulukumba,  and was ordered from Poland”.  Construction on the schooner’s hull took place at Tanjung Bira under master builder, Haji Muslim Baso, from the village of Ara, of Bonto Bahari.   “The building of the entire phinisi’s hull took 9 months. At its completion, the boat will be towed to Semarang in Central Java, for finishing and interior fitting.” added Nazarudin.
The schooner, estimated to cost around IDR 4 Billion has a frame measuring 50 meters in length and at its widest part measures almost 10 meters. The finishing process in Semarang will probably cost triple its construction. The local government of Bulukumba through the Office of Culture and Tourism intends to preserve Tanjung Bira, Bulukumba, as the traditional site for the construction of the Phinisi Schooners. 
These impressive schooners that can be seen at full sail all around the Indonesian seas have for centuries been made by master craft builders here in the south eastern corner of Sulawesi by the beautiful white beaches of Tanjung Bira. Shipbuilding here is a long tradition that has been handed down through generations.  The sturdiness and sailworthiness of the phinisi have long gained worldwide reputation.
 “Our biggest threat is that these phinisi builders may move to other provinces to obtain easier access to materials. Therefore, this has today become an issue of national importance that needs to be discussed” said Nazarudin as he showed off the beauty of the Pasir Putih Beach of Tanjung  Bira. If the problem persists, then Tanjung Bira will face the threat to be scrapped from the tourism and cultural map of Indonesia altogether”, he said.
The launching ceremony of the Phinisi that was built by 100 of men was attended by the Deputy Mayor of Bulukumba, Samsudin and officials of the Culture and Tourism Office. All workers and builders also joined the traditional ceremony.
From the first shifting of the boat on Tuesday evening November 8th, it will take approximately 3 weeks before the ship finally reaches the water to be towed to Semarang.  “The ship’s hull is about 3 meters deep, so I chose this place, since its depth is appropriate” said Baso as he commanded the workers in the shifting of the schooner which can only be moved 15 to 20 meters a day.
For the people of Tanjung Bira, building this Phinisi Schooner may have meant only a collective project for the year. However, Tanjung Bira’s fame is actually being carried far beyond that for its achievements in the production of world class schooners, while at the same time preserving its proud identity as a creative and persistent society.
Master builder Haji M.Baso has built over 200 schooners and boats of various types and sizes in his lifetime.” This is , however, the largest tourism ship that I have ever built in Bonto Bahari since 1991” Baso explained as he answered some of the questions from the media who covered the launching ceremony.
The schooner is not the only boat being built here.  There are other types of boats being constructed by Haji Muslim Baso at the moment.
Near the Phinisi schooner, there was also a smaller boat in construction orderd by a Belgian businessman.There were also 12 other boats and tables ordered from Colombia. Clearly, the skills and knowledge of the local genius of Tanjung Bira are well recognized by the international seafaring community.

source :

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Yogyakarta : historic city blend with modern and ancient culture

Yogyakarta, together with its twin city Surakarta (Solo), is the cradle of civilization on Java. This city was the seat of power that produced the magnificent temples of Borobudur and Prambanan

Yogyakarta, together with its twin city Surakarta (Solo), is the cradle of civilization on Java. This city was the seat of power that produced the magnificent temples of Borobudur and Prambanan in the 8th and 9th century and the new powerful Mataram kingdom of the 16th and 17th century. Until today this city continues to produce philosophers, thinkers, master painters and master craftsmen.
Whilst steeped in rich tradition and history, Yogyakarta, lovingly known as Yogya, continues to remain young. This is university town, where students from all over Indonesia from different ethnic backgrounds flock to pursue knowledge and wisdom. For this reason, Yogya is both very Javanese and at the same time a melting pot of different Indonesian cultures.   
Yogyakarta (or Jogjakarta) is known as Neverending Asia for its endless attractions and appeal. As one of Indonesia’s 32 provinces, this city is one of the foremost cultural centers of Indonesia. From climbing the magnificent Borobudur temple, visiting the Keraton, - the Sultan’s Palace -  to watching silversmiths produce amazing jewelry at Kotagede, to shopping up a storm at Malioboro road, you’ll never be bored in this relatively small yet bustling city.


Yogya is a city of history. In the 18th. and 19th centuries, it was the seat of the re-emerged Mataram kingdom. Today many of the Mataram traditions live on and are a part of the city’s daily life. Yogya is a place to come to connect with the centuries’ old traditions, culture and the history of Java as well as bask in the friendliness of the local people. It is a place with a unique charm which seldom fails to captivate visitors.

From natural wonders, local art and traditions, examples of Javanese heritage to delicious culinary delights, Yogya is a city with numerous attractions. This is why Yogya is the second most visited destination in Indonesia after Bali.
Overshadowed in the north by the smoldering Mt Merapi volcano and bordered to the south by the pounding Indian Ocean, the graceful old city of Yogya has a mild climate making it easy for visitors to plan activities without worrying about intense heat. The beautiful green landscape of this central part of Java makes merely traveling from one destination to another an experience.  

In addition, there are about 70,000 handicraft industries based in Yogya and other facilities like various accommodations and transportations, numerous food services, travel agents, and proper tourism support, and also tour a security team support called the Tourism Police, locally known as Bhayangkara Wisata.

The people of Yogyakarta are known for their hospitality and good manners. If you show proper respect, you will be welcome in any part of the city.
While it’s a bustling cultural hub, Yogya is also slower paced and more relaxed than other cities in Indonesia. Many locals consider Yogya the perfect place to retire because of its air of serenity, tolerance and harmony. There is a reason why people say that time moves slower in Yogya.
Yogya is the center of Javanese arts from the refined court dances to modern arts in painting and performing art.  
Yogya is famous as a centre of traditional textile production, particularly batik. The distinctive batik of Yogya uses the basic colors of brown, indigo and white with in geometric designs. Many young artists of Yogya have also embraced the modern art of batik-painting.
Yogya is also known for its leather and wooden puppets crafts used for traditional shadow-puppet performances, as well as wooden puppet performances (wayang golek) that are used to act out ancient epics which contain popular but deep philosophical thoughts and teachings. in the 8th and 9th century and the new powerful Mataram kingdom of the 16th and 17th century. Until today this city continues to produce philosophers, thinkers, master painters and master craftsmen.
Whilst steeped in rich tradition and history, Yogyakarta, lovingly known as Yogya, continues to remain young. This is university town, where students from all over Indonesia from different ethnic backgrounds flock to pursue knowledge and wisdom. For this reason, Yogya is both very Javanese and at the same time a melting pot of different Indonesian cultures.   
Yogyakarta (or Jogjakarta) is known as Neverending Asia for its endless attractions and appeal. As one of Indonesia’s 32 provinces, this city is one of the foremost cultural centers of Indonesia. From climbing the magnificent Borobudur temple, visiting the Keraton, - the Sultan’s Palace -  to watching silversmiths produce amazing jewelry at Kotagede, to shopping up a storm at Malioboro road, you’ll never be bored in this relatively small yet bustling city.

source : 

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Borobudur : one of 7 wonder

The magnificent Borobudur temple is the world’s biggest Buddhist monument, an ancient site widely considered to be one of the world’s seven wonders. Built in the 9th century during the reign of the Syailendra dynasty, the temple’s design in Gupta architecture reflects India's influence on the region, yet there are enough indigenous scenes and elements incorporated to make Borobudur uniquely Indonesian. This awe inspiring monument is truly a marvel. After a visit here you will understand why it is Indonesia’s most visited tourist attraction and a famous icon of Indonesia’s cultural heritage.

Located on the island of Java, the temple sits majestically on a hilltop overlooking lush green fields and distant hills. It covers an enormous area, measuring 123 x 123 meters. The monument is a marvel of design, decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. The architecture and stonework of this temple has no equal.  And it was built without using any kind of cement or mortar! The structure is like a set of massive interlocking Lego blocks held together without any glue.

The temple has remained strong even through ten centuries of neglect. It was rediscovered in 1815, buried under volcanic ash. In the 1970’s the Indonesian Government and UNESCO worked together to restore Borobudur to its former majesty The restoration took eight years to complete and today Borobudur is one of Indonesia and the world’s most valuable treasures.

The temple is decorated with stone carvings in bas-relief representing images from the life of Buddha. Commentators claim that this is the largest and most complete ensemble of Buddhist reliefs in the world, unsurpassed in artistic merit.

This monument is both a shrine to the Lord Buddha and a place for Buddhist pilgrimage. The ten levels of the temple symbolize the three divisions of the religion’s cosmic system. As visitors begin their journey at the base of the temple, they make their way to the top of the monument through the three levels of Budhist cosmology, Kāmadhātu (the world of desire), Rupadhatu (the world of forms) and Arupadhatu (the world of formlessness). As visitors walk to the top the monument guides the pilgrims past 1,460 narrative relief panels on the wall and the balustrades.

The whole monument itself resembles a giant stupa, but seen from above it forms a mandala. The great stupa at the top of the temple sits 40 meters above the ground.  This main dome is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues seated inside perforated stupa.

Historians suggest that the name of Borobudur comes from the Sanskrit ‘Vihara Buddha Uhr’ or the ‘Buddhist monastery on the hill’.

source :

Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

Kamali Beach, Full of life in Bau Bau City

Kamali beach is located in the heart of town near Port Murhum Baubau a culinary tourist area at night. Provided diverse menu ranging from snacks to heavy meals at affordable prices. This beach is a beach community pride Baubau Losari's withdrawal of Makassar, South Sulawesi and the Regions Boulevard owned by the city of Manado, North Sulawesi. Important events are often held here. There is also a variety of snacks at the beach of the town Kamali.

Kamali beach, beautiful and extraordinary beach that located in the heart of Bau Bau City is a terrific place to hang out with friends and girl friend or boy friend. At night this place frequently serve lots of various sight seeing, start from various culinary till beautiful sunrise and sunset. Lots of local people enjoy their weekend in this place, enjoy the scenery and coupled it with delicious culinary/foods is a worth-trying.

Kamali beach can be accessed by using public transportation, taxis, rickshaws, and private or rental vehicles. Facilities provided hotspot, children playground, bus tour escort from the Coast Kamali to the Citadel palace and returned to the Coast Kamali. On this beach there are also monuments Dragon as a mascot Baubau City. No need to buy tickets to enjoy this various sightseeing

Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Nirwana Beach, beautiful coastal tourism in Bau Bau

Not Far from the city of Bau-Bau, about fifteen minutes to the west of the city of Bau-Bau, we can stop at Nirwana Beach. Well, this exotic Nirwana Beach is somehow hidden and rarely visited. White sand, with many coconut trees which is lined neatly on the beach, coupled with clear water, especially if the sun was shining. Well it feels like to live a long time in this place and enjoy the beautiful scenery of this beach. Diving is another attract avctivities that worth to try. enjoy the various of the fish that swim over the coastal rock.


The facilities were sufficient. We can rent the tools swimming and diving. There are also places to eat together called lesehan. Barberque is one of the activities that we can do in this place.